Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom called Misty Isles, there was a brave boy named Lluc. Lluc lived in the small village of Windy, known for its enchanted windmills that could turn the wind into music.
One day, the king of the realm, King Don Pere, made an announcement that would change Lluc’s life forever. An almond dragon had been scaring the nearby villages by spreading a rain of almond shells whenever it flew. The king promised his daughter, Princess Araceli, and half of his kingdom to anyone who could defeat the dragon.
With a brave heart and a love for adventures, Lluc decided he would be the one to defeat the dragon. Before he left, his grandmother, who was known in the village for her wise advice, gave him a bag of magical threads and said, “These threads can weave the destiny you wish, use them wisely.”
So, Lluc set off on his adventure. He crossed the Whispering Forest, where the trees told ancient stories, and climbed the Moon Mountains, where the stones sparkled like stars. Along his journey, he faced various challenges which he overcame with cleverness and courage.
Finally, Lluc reached the Almond Valley, where the dragon lived. But instead of a fearsome monster, he found a sad and lonely dragon. The dragon explained that he didn’t want to scare anyone, but every time he flew, his almond scales accidentally shed.
Lluc had an idea. He used his grandmother’s magical threads to weave a giant cloak that could catch the almond shells when the dragon flew. Together, Lluc and the dragon returned to Windy.
Seeing the friendship between the boy and the dragon, and how the cloak solved the problem, King Don Pere was impressed. He kept his promise, but Lluc, knowing that true reward was the friendship and respect among all, asked instead that the dragon be always welcomed in Misty Isles.
From that day on, the almond dragon and Lluc became great friends, and the kingdom enjoyed sweet almonds every year. And so, Lluc taught everyone the importance of understanding and friendship, reminding them that sometimes, appearances can be deceiving.