In a world where everything was full of color and joy, lived 22,000 small, shining beings, each with a different color. This world, called Coloralia, was filled with rainbows that never disappeared.
Once a year, Coloralia celebrated the Great Color Festival. On this day, the 22,000 beings gathered to create the largest and most spectacular rainbow. Each being contributed their own color, forming a dazzling display.
In this magical world, each color had a special power. Red could create heat, blue brought calm, and green made plants grow. All colors were important and necessary.
Among the 22,000, there was a small colorless being named Blanco. Blanco felt sad because he believed he had nothing special to offer. He had always wished to be part of the Great Festival, but without a color of his own, he didn’t know how to participate.
One day, Blanco met a wise old sage who said, “Don’t worry, every being has something unique to offer. Your time will come, and when it does, you will surprise everyone.”
The day of the Great Festival arrived, and the 22,000 began to form the rainbow. But something strange happened: despite their efforts, they couldn’t complete the rainbow. Something was missing, but no one knew what it was.
Blanco, seeing the confusion, approached timidly. He closed his eyes and wished with all his might to be useful. Suddenly, a bright light emanated from him, illuminating all of Coloralia.
The wise old sage smiled and said, “Blanco, you have discovered your power. You are the balance of all the colors. Without you, they cannot shine in their full splendor.”
With Blanco’s help, the rainbow was completed and was more beautiful than ever. Blanco realized that, although he was different, he had an important role in Coloralia.
The Great Festival was a success, and from that day on, Blanco was an essential member in the creation of rainbows, reminding everyone that each one, no matter how different, has something special to contribute.
And so, in the colorful world of Coloralia, the 22,000 beings learned that diversity and unity are what make life truly beautiful.